Turn Leads to Customers: 5 Digital Marketing Hacks for Every Business - Yupple Technologies

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Thursday, 25 October 2018

Turn Leads to Customers: 5 Digital Marketing Hacks for Every Business

The age-old problem faced by every business is to procure “more customers”. You may have a website and you are selling some really prized products, but with no customers to sell, your business can never see a growth curve of sales.

Selling a product is a marketing art. You have to make your customers first aware of you. After awareness, the step that follows is to prompt them to purchase it.

As a consequence, this is the most difficult stage since pursuing a customer to buy the product is what 50% of the businesses fail to do properly.

Today every business knows that digital is the means the world has turned for information,  hence to rule in that realm, some serious marketing hacks are being used by every digital marketing agency in India and abroad to gain more customers.

Listed below are some of the ways to make that happen for your business as well.

  1. Enhance the look and feel of your website
    Quality is not only needed in your product. It should also be reflecting on your website as well. Digital marketers study your website very quickly. They can surmise the pros and cons of your website and can help you in rectifying that.
    Just like a customer prefers a restaurant with good ambience, same goes with the online buyers as well. The more appealing your website is, the higher the probablity gets of attracting customers.
  2. Indulge into some R&R of Marketing
    R&R i.e. Research and Reach are the two most critical considerations pertaining to your customers or visitors. You must have created a sales funnel with your marketing experts but to make it successful, you need to undergo a thorough research of your audience. Their likes and dislikes, their presence on social media, their method of payments are some of the things that you have to keep in mind.
  3. Right Placement of Call-to-Action Buttons
    You must have seen the buttons like ‘Shop Now’ or ‘Buy Now’ at a web page. These are called the Call-to-Action or CTA buttons.
    Any of the digital marketing services India or overseas that you are going to consult would definitely look first at the placement of Call-to-Action on your website. Moreover, when running an advertisement on Google, you generally guide your buyer to a landing page which, as required, should have a call to action that ensures complete form fill up and higher engagement.
    The advice is to keep the buttons highlighted and easier to reach. It would fasten the process of purchase for them.
  4. Generate Reliability among your customers
    How to make your customers believe you?
    Online reputation, feedbacks, testimonials and videos play a key role in enhancing the brand image. You are anonymous to your first-time buyers, but you can definitely let them know about your loyal clients who prefer buying from you.
  5. Reward them with privileges
    Every customer likes to feel special. So it the duty of every business to make them feel that.
    If he is visiting for the first time, allow him some discount or free cash on delivery. If he is a loyal customer, then give him some rebate on his purchasU+0065. Reward him with purchase points on every product bought or ask them to get some social sharing done.

Digital marketing is a very tactful process in itself. A business needs to be very vigilant in reaching and selling to its customers. Your content should be as per your marketing channels and very interactive. Having a strategy behind every campaign is the key to success.

1 comment:

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